
Showing posts from April, 2016

Stand-by international flight at Tokyo Narita airport (for Japan Airlines)?

So I'm on a short paternity leave. Well not really. I'm back in my country and away from my family and lovely son for an undetermined period, meaning my return date can't be fixed yet at the moment. Reason is that I'll be getting an immigrant visa interview at the US Embassy and I'll have to hand in the passport to them, which they claim to return within typically a week or so (Apparently they need to keep the passport because visa will be weaved/bound in to the passport). Already begun missing my adorable, although it's only day#2 since I left him! Today's post is, however, going to be not about child care since I'm away from him. Instead, it's about how to go home as soon as possible once I get my passport back. My current return flight won't work because simply it's too soon from the interview date so there's no way I can hope to receive my passport by then. So choices are, I first change my current return flight to a date with am

Sleep training week#1 recap

Our sleep training week#1 is over. I think we did a very mild start; as cry-it-out method seems to be a challenging moment for the parents, we didn't go that extreme. The way we've been doing is to lay him down on the bed (after bath, quiet time like bedtime stories) and feed him a mil bottle and wait, then by the time he seems drowsy we leave him alone. For the last week we waited for only a minute since he starts crying, as my wife couldn't hold any longer whenever she was at home with us, but I know we'll have to wait longer to let HG learn better how to soothe himself. And whenever my wife or I went back to the crib, we bottle-feed him (which he seems to drink very well, much better than he does before the cry), caress him until he gets calmed down. I thought it went well even as a limited version. The very first night he cried multiple times, but from second day he only needed one cry session before he fell asleep. It went well maybe because it was simply

Closing of Sleep Train Arena for Sacramento Kings is the beginning of sleep training for our baby

Well not much sense in the title... Now HG finally seems to be recovered from a month-long sickenss consists of fever, cough, ear infection and runny nosey, a very immediate problem for his parents is his lack of sleep...yes he wakes up in the middle of the night, many times. As usual we fall back on that always gives us evidence-based insights. Looks like many sleep training methods can be grouped into two; Cry-it-out (CIO, lol) and No-cry. Because we thought no-cry method is basically how we've done so far with HG (and hasn't really worked out), we're applying CIO method starting from today. We'll see how this go... Those worrisome nights are hopefully over finally...

1st trip to Texas (bittersweet experience)

It was already 2 weeks ago when HG and we went back just for the weekend for M's friends' wedding. Since it was also Easter weekend we saved Sunday to attend the Easter service at our church in Dallas. HG was actually at not the best condition, so were his parents. And apparently this 1-nighter roundtrip with multiple transits was exhausting...since then daddy has been sick (still). But we were so glad to be able to attend the wedding, see the friends introduce HG to old friends.