
Showing posts from September, 2016

Lower the Crib, Better Night Sleep

At his age of 13th month we finally lowered the mattress of his crib. Since then he seems to be sleeping well, or even better than with the previous height of the crib mattress. With our crib from IKEA we can choose at which height we set the mattress. Now that he's reached 30in the level at higher position is too low for him so that he can easily get out of the crib. In fact he's been tall and manipulative enough to do that since the last couple of's just we've been able to handle him crawling out of the crib and so did he, so that wasn't really a priority to us. Image from Finally, I set the mattress at the lowest position. The work took me almost an hour but half of it was to figure out how to do so. I actually found the crib is made easy-to-use for this task -- the number of components that are needed to be screwed