
Showing posts from January, 2017

cats and asthma

HG has been undergoing treatment and pretty close observation of his reactive air disease/asthma. First symptoms of coughing probably started around 7-8 months. We were seen by his pediatrician and actually given some albuterol to see if it may help him. He disease got acute worse after he contracted rhinovirus summer of 2016, where he had to be hospitalized not once but twice! Since then, frequent visits to the doctor have ultimately resulted in a fairly good regimen of Pulmicort nebulizer twice daily, Singulair once daily, and albuterol nebulizers as needed but liberally. During the course of all this, we were advised by family to remove our 2 cats from the home. This suggestion stems from the fact that the entire family of my side had bad asthma and we were all allergic to cats And by allergic, we mean puffy, red eyes, swelling of the face, frequent sneezing and coughing. Of course, our son's well-being is infinitely more important than our cats. But still, letting them go