
Showing posts from November, 2017

Dependent sleeper

These days HG often wakes up at night, typically before midnight, comes out of the bedroom and search for us while crying. Often we found him crawling, or even crashed on to the floor and passed out sticking his butt up. Every time this happens our precious night time gets obviously intervened, so we're hoping he'll overcome it soon, but he's so cute at the same time. Last night my wife M was out on the night shift, so HG and I were alone at home (with cats). After putting him into sleep, I was back in my office room but then heard him crying somewhat close, which indicated that he was already out of the bedroom, coming closer. Whenever this happens, it'll take 10 minutes to an hour before he goes back asleep deep enough. This time, I found it'd take long as he kept searching me in the bed for quite some time by rubbing his head to my shoulder while dozing (and yes he sleeps on our bed). So I decided to sleep through the night with him, then wake up early to conti

Tantrum handler

HG has been well over 2-year old. All of us are enjoying his tantrum-filled, but more and more cheerful days. In terms of health condition, we see he's been getting much better compared to the last year where we had to take him to emergency room frequently, as he hasn't been to ER this year although he still causes respiratory issues frequently, say once in every 2 to 3 week. We're just grateful but having ear tubes planted early this year to drain fluid he was accumulating must have helped a lot. Knowing it's absolutely normal for kids in 2-year old gives us a big relief as it was frightening to see he started melting down for the first few times with repertoire of actions. As always, we rely on our trusted source, for such a wisdom ( Tantrums: Why they happen and how to handle them ). What's still troubling us is that he hits us whenever we reject certain actions of him that we think inappropriate. Even this seems to be within an expected beha