
Showing posts from July, 2018

That was the last run event in Summer 2018

Was the first night run for HG. HG's little brother is almost coming. Then we'll soon likely have to switch to double jogger stroller (well, not that soon as we'll need to wait for the baby's neck fixes). That said, Davis Moo-nlight Race may or may have not been the last run event with a single jogger for awhile. Dad won his age group even pushing the stroller ( race results ) (*´∀`*). Mom couldn't make it but HG's aunt and Jojo ran together. Aaaand, HG completed his half-miler! So amazing to see a kid under 3-year old runs that much of a distance (I can't remember when was the first time I ran more than a half mile but definitely after I turned like...5 or so).

Pinkeye, mustn't be treated lightly

HG and our sister's dog talking to a stray cat regularly visiting.   As with anyone else' case, July is an eventful month for the family. On July 4th my wife m invites her co-workers over for the BBQ and spa. Then her and our son HG's birthday. Thankfully this year we're likely to add another birthday to the list - 2nd son! Hosting parties at home gives us a chance to clean the backyard. 3-year old HG wants to "help" us a lot in that, or at least give it a shot of what the parents are doing. And there's already a few things that he can actually do well without adult's intervention, such as clearing pool skimmer's net, picking up leaves from the pool etc. This is nothing but amazing as I can't imagine me having done ANY household chores when I was before turning 3. Truly impressive. The last weekend we spent a good amount of time in the backyard to get ready for July 4th. I cut dozens of tree branches that had blooming flowers, a lot o