5-yr old angry and (maybe) artsy mind

 8-yr old HG and 5-yr old AK both learned about this Australian artist Pete Cromer (huntingforgeorge.com) in the art class at school.
They brought back the painting they did at school that we can order for the framing, and my wife m noticed the resemblance of the taste to a few mugs that my sister and her Australian husband gave us.

AK's drawing always comes with full of color. This time, the style overlapped with the handout that the framing/printing service provider.

5-yr old AK has been showing interests in different things than his 8-yr brother HG so far -- While HG has been keen on understanding how things work (a.k.a logic) and concepts since as early as when he was 3-yr old, AK has not yet delved into those at the age of 5 yet. He seems to have found drawing, writing fun and exciting. Sometimes at home when I can't find him, he's sitting at his small work desk (in my office) and doing some drawing or crafting.

At a parent conference with his school teachers, they've always said AK is a good child in their classrooms, model of other children, which is astronomically different from how he is at home. He screams, yells, punches his older brother a lot, happy and grumpy child with little listening ears. But at the same time he's also playing a kind lovely big brother for his 2-yr old sister. My wife and I are sure that AK as a middle child in 3 sibling, he's going through a challenge of relationship dynamics. Personality difference among children appears to be one of the sources of the sibling's fight, hence the source of parents' frustration, but I hope we'll enjoy and admire each of our child amplifying each uniqueness over the time.



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