
Showing posts from December, 2020

Done with 2020. Looking forward to bright 2021

Looking back briefly the terrible year 2020. Thought we started in the best way possible with a family trip in Kauai island in Hawaii. At a beach on the west side of Oafu  I vaguely but clearly remember I heard during the stay about the outbreak. Little did I/we know that virus would start ruling the entire world within a month or so. Once the lockdown or any regulatory action kicked in, we did have kids stay-home, sisters came over to help as well as full-time babysitters, then we moved from California to Georgia per wife's scheduled work changes. This whole thing was as stressful as everyone else feels. One positive side is that both of our kids have been healthy the entire year!! I'll mark 2020 as the first year neither kids didn't go to ER nor stayed overnight at hospitals! We saw the last year that older brother HG's asthma had been already getting better and he went to ER only once, but we didn't expect him to get this much better at the age of 5. Toddler AK