New era: farewell to double-stroller (2019/01 - 2023/12)

We sold a double jogger stroller that we owned for full 5 years, as our 2nd son AK grew out of its seating height and we plan no more child after our 3rd LM. Releasing it came with a sentiment...I had so much fun and good moment with it while we are going through challenging moment... 

We maintained the condition well, no obvious tear-and-wear. Then we noticed in the market the price of the same product soared - our purchase price was $699, then today I see it $849 (, 20% higher. Even used found online are above $500 (  So we set a competitive price on Facebook market then we concluded a deal in just a few days, with someone who live outside of state drove up to us to pick it up (he was desperate to give it to his wife as a Christmas gift). It was a bit of surprise for getting interest from out-of-state buyer on FB, but I'm glad to meet someone who's really in need. We got the stroller when my wife was in a residency and I had lots of lots of moments where I was alone with 2 boys without their mom. Going out for the run was a great way of entertaining them and getting my stress out at once. With the 3rd being still 2-yr old, my hiatus continues, but with the double jogger gone our life went on to another stage.



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